A path towards self sustainability in the modern age, the practice of natural resource stewardship. This is not a new movement, many people live this lifestyle remotely away from civilization, but how can we live in the modern age and be self sufficient?

Making progress towards a sustainable homestead , finding a balance between resource dependence and generation.Develop a system that utilizes natural closed loop resource regenerative processes, like using waste water from your home to feed your garden, the garden to feed our bodies, and the waste from our bodies used to feed the soil to grow more garden.



We are of the opinion that water is our most vital resource. There is an astonishing amount of water consumed all throughout refinement and manufacturing processes that remains unaccounted for in the true cost of goods. Now with our global increase in digital assets, machine learning, and artificial general intelligence we are exponentially consuming more of our vital resource(source). We believe in a future where we can give back to our planet more than we take.

There already exists early agriculture techniques optimized to conserve water. Consider the famous drawing by M.c.Escher of the infinite waterfall/waterwheel


Ignore the optical illusion and just imagine the source of the water is actually at the top behind the pillar. Now some water flows downwards over the mill to collect energy and supply the home while the other 30% is diverted down a path. Let these jagged paths represent the tiers of a garden/farm with water flowing between them. You can see these in the back of the image! Determine ways to best tap into natural resources while maintaining their closed loop cycle and not disrupting the natural flow.


Research and acquire flagship site for self sustainability endeavor. Trying to locate land with the following criteria: Southern facing (catch most sunlight) slope 10-20% grade (my thought is maybe this helps with water diffusion and ease of traversing)land with a creek( need some sort of water source , year round preferably, could shape land to catch water but would need large basin higher up to offer any significant advantage),and healthy soil (dark warm moist dirt with bugs is healthy for most things, then water drainage and nutrient content becomes important). Trees for shade, a variety of trees for diversity, flowers, vines, bushes for soil and nutrient diversity.

7/22 - Progress: looked at land in Ronan,MT (forest was not healthy, too many easements for entry) , looked at land in Carnation,Wa (soil was very healthy but too soft for simple footings, access to zone permitted area was complicated). Also spoke with a non-profit attorney about articles of incorporation and how to form a non-profit ( ooooh damn there is a lot of information and work that goes into all of this, logistics, financials, lots of planning…….im going to just learn as I go.)

Acquire and develop urban/city center properties and convert into communal living and food centers. Promote unity through food development and exchange.

7/22 -Progress: interestingly a friend reached out to me with a massive proposal on their thoughts on how long term vacant commercial properties could be better served if retrofitted for public housing, clinics, vocational schools, and county/state run food grow houses. Maybe even offer educational assistance and job opportunities in the same areas folks are without home and help. This simultaneously blends in with the vision that there be an option for everyone to live free and happy even if that means cultivating the bare earth to provide for yourself. Maybe these systems can have network of exchange opportunities. Plato further talked about creating universal income in tiers based on resource assistance. One in which the freedom of life is another form of wealth.

Develop programs focused on education and appreciation of nature through arts and science.

8/25/24- we have a website www.TheBraxtonFoundation.org

A blog has been added, a podcast has been added, and site plans have been added. We have also identified a flagship site in Monroe, Wa and have completed our feasibility reports and it looks excellent! Closing date is 9/12/24!!